대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구룸싸롱 동대구풀싸롱 경산룸싸롱

대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구룸싸롱 동대구풀싸롱 경산룸싸롱
‘In that respect, Kang Seong-hoon was great.’Kang Seong
-hoon did not follow Yoon Ha-jun. He has consistently cr
eated his own songs. Even with exceptional quality.“I ask t
he next student to come in.””yes.”As soon as the departmen
t chair finishes speaking, the door to the exam room open
s. And then a student came into the exam room. The mes
sy hair that makes the viewer feel frustrated, and the eyes
that still look drowsy.This is Hajun Yoon.Hajun Yoon submi
tted the work summary he had prepared in advance to the
teachers. And the teachers who saw it let out something th
at I couldn’t tell whether it was a sigh or a sigh.‘What is th
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구룸싸롱 동대구풀싸롱 경산룸싸롱
is?’Ha Hyo-joo was no exception. Ha Hyo-joo looked at th
e work summary several times to see if what he had rea
d was correct.However, the content did not change.
What she wrote in her job summary was simple:From her
childhood, she sucked the blood of her family, stealing the
ir dreams and youth to make her dreams come true. He sa
crificed his family just for his own dreams.She didn’t know t
hat. No, I knew. However, he just desperately pretended not
to know. And by the time I noticed it, my family had alre
ady left.will regret.The past and the present.So, from now
on, I will restore their youth and all their dreams.That was
the content. Ha Hyo-joo frowned. What should I say abou
대구룸싸롱 O1O.5804.1523 동대구룸싸롱 동대구풀싸롱 경산룸싸롱
t this? Do high school students usually think like this?They
say kids who play music have a lot of sensitivity, but is it st
ill this much? Was I like this when I was in high school? No
, I don’t think that’s the case. At that time, I just sang imm
aturely.‘That’s too honest.’Soon he came to this conclusion:
An average student would not write down this information i
n detail. At best, I can summarize it by saying that I will succ
eed and repay my family for their hard work.In Ha Hyo-joo
’s opinion, Ha-jun Yoon’s summary of his work is embarrassi
ngly honest.